Who Do You Think You Are?

Who in the world do you think you are, anyway, some great (fill in the blanks)? 
“The great sin of mankind, the sin typified by the fall of Adam, is the tendency, not towards pride, but towards this weird and horrible humility.” – Gilbert Keith Chesterton
How many times in your life have you not been heard, not been taken seriously, or downright ignored? How many times have you shared your talent, only to be told about the great gifts and talents of someone else, as though yours must somehow pale to insignificance?
How easy it is to sell each other short, to sell ourselves short, or to simply not pay any attention to the creativity, goodness and uniqueness of the persons we engage with everyday.
Here is a great musical example of NOT paying attention to the talents around us. This scene is of Joshua Bell, one of the nation’s greatest violinists, as he played in a D.C. subway. Could this only happen in D.C. ?
Who does he think he is, anyway? And who does the street musician in the photo at the top of this post think she is?
Maybe we would find out if we listened!